平安喜乐 万事胜意 回望无悔 不辜前程——致外国留学生的一封信



平安喜乐 万事胜意

回望无悔 不辜前程


Dear international students:


First of all, we would like to extend our New Year's greetings to all of you! It will be the year of the OX in China soon. Wish you happy in the year of Ox, and Ox's courage soars up high. In the New Year, I hope all international students’ study hard seize the day and live it to the full cherish the time. Strive to become both virtuous and talented, quality and excellent all-round development of talents. We are not alone on the Great Way and the whole world is one family. After a year of hardship, we can understand more than ever the significance of a community with a shared future for mankind.


At present, the epidemic prevention and control is in the critical period, which needs the active cooperation of every international student to overcome the difficulty together. We are not alone on the Great Way and the whole world is one family. After a year of hardship, we can understand more than ever the significance of a community with a shared future for mankind. Here, we put forward three requirements to the students.


1. Do well in safety protection. Learn correct and effective prevention and control knowledge and enhance hygiene and health awareness. No visiting. No gathering. No going out whenever possible. Wear a good mask when you go out, and put the discarded mask in a standard way. When you come back, wash your hands frequently, open windows and ventilate the room regularly, and pay attention to personal hygiene. Try to maintain a light diet and keep proper work and rest.


网址未加载ply with the university arrangements. All international students should not return to the university in advance. The exact opening time of the university is to be announced to you in advance when it is determined. If you have returned to your country, please wait for the opening notice; if you are in other cities in China, please reduce the opportunities of public exposure, obey the local control management, and keep in touch with your guidance tutor.


The campus of the university is under closed management, and international students on campus are not allowed to leave the campus. If you need to enter or leave the campus for special reasons, you must apply to your guidance tutor one day in advance, and only with the approval of the university, you can enter or leave the campus.


The apartments for international students are under closed management, in and out of which your real name shall be verified and your body temperature shall be taken. Please bring your valid ID card or related document to register at the teacher in charge of dormitory when you enter and leave the apartment.


We know that it will bring inconvenience to your school life, which we deeply understand. However, these measures are the key and necessary steps for the current epidemic prevention and control. In order to ensure everyone's health and safety, we urge every international student to strictly obey them and actively cooperate.


3. Strengthen contact and communication. The university teachers are always with you. If you are in trouble, please contact your guidance tutor as soon as possible, and we will try our best to help you. During the epidemic prevention and control period, the university will collect information regarding students' physical condition and wellbeing before entering or leaving the campus. Please cooperate and report the information requested in a timely manner. If you or other students have respiratory tract infection symptoms such as fever and cough, please see a doctor without delay, and report the situation to your guidance tutor.


Dear all international students, the more critical period we are in, the more we need each student's understanding and cooperation! The New Year is coming. We wish our world to be splendid, our countries to be prosperous, and our people to live in peace. We wish you all a harmonious, smooth and auspicious year, full of happiness!


Finally, we sincerely wish each international student more progress in study, good health and safety!


Leshan Vocational & Technical College


Jan. 2021



Happy New Year

编辑|吴鹰 审核|石建华 来源|留学生管理办公室



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位置:艺考-四川专科院校-乐山职业技术学院-微高校-院校号-乐山职业技术学院-平安喜乐 万事胜意 回望无悔 不辜前程——致外国留学生的一封信