Review | “广以毕业生未来可期!”




“我相信这些优秀的学生未来会对中国的发展做出很大的贡献!”昨天(12月6日),广东以色列理工学院举办以色列相关企业就业创业对接会,组织多家以色列企业到场与学生进行交流。活动现场,维特尔创始人兼首席执行官Miki Raviv、星宝集团董事兼总经理Benny Braunshtain、泰都实业有限公司经理llan Ben Meir等企业负责人结合自己的经历,与同学们分享了自己对行业发展的见解等相关内容,并对应届毕业生未来的发展去向给出了建议。


“在过去的30年里,中国的制造能力得到了很大的发展,中国正在成为世界制造业知识库中心。如果没有优秀的工程师们,这样的成绩难以实现。” 泰都实业有限公司经理llan Ben Meir十分看好中国未来的发展前景,相信广以学生们将会有很多机会可以在中国实现自己的梦想。

以色列数字健康公司维特尔创始人兼首席执行官 Miki Raviv作为一个“创业达人”,同样非常看好中国未来科技发展的巨大潜力。他鼓励学生通过自主创业培养更多的能力,“我建议学生们在有机会的情况下开创自己的企业,知道如何通过一个小企业,在某一个领域内改变世界。这是在大企业内工作很难学到的东西,这也是很难通过继续深造获得的能力。”





星宝集团董事兼总经理Benny Braunshtain对广以学生的专业素质给予了很大的肯定。“从技术层面上来看,以色列理工学院在研究、教学方面都是顶级学府,所以我认为在以色列理工学院教授们的指导下,广以的学生可以收获非常丰富的知识。此外,广以的学生们不仅学习相关的学科知识,还深入到细节内容的钻研,更重要的是在这样的专业学习训练下,学生们在生活中也能逐步养成善于思考、敢于创新的习惯。我相信这些优秀的学生未来会对中国的发展做出很大的贡献。”

“以色列理工学院是世界上顶尖的理工科学府,能在此就读的学生都是经过严格的筛选后脱颖而出的,因此我相信广以的学生同样是专业素质非常高的学生。经过四年的学习,我非常确信广以的学生将成为中国理工科领域的精英和人才。” Miki同样对广以的学生寄予厚望。




面临毕业的学生常常会感到迷茫,不知道自己是否能学以致用。作为以色列理工学院机械工程与材料工程专业的毕业生,Ilan用自己从业35年的经验告诉广以学生, “无论你将来选择从事什么工作,你学过的知识都会发挥它的作用,尤其是在你选择成为一位优秀的工程师时,你会发现你所学的知识都只是基础,还远远不够。‘求知’是最能带给我满足感的事情。探索知识的过程中多问‘为什么’,要敢于质疑而不是一味的相信一切。”







“I believe that these outstanding students will make great contributions to China in the future.” Yesterday (December 6), the first Student Employment and Entrepreneurship (Israeli Business Community) was held at GTIIT. More than 10 Israeli companies were invited to participate in it.

Mr. Miki Raviv, Founder and CEO of Vitalerter, Mr. Benny Braunshtain, Director, and General Manager of Starry Group and Mr. llan Ben Meir, Manager of Tetro Co., Ltd shared their views on the development of the industry and other relevant topics with GTIIT students, and gave advice for the future of graduates.

Opportunities and Challenges Coexist

“In the past 30 years, China's manufacturing capacity has developed greatly. China became the world knowledge base center in manufacturing. Many industries oversea just disappeared and moved to China. It could not be done without engineers and not just engineers, but good engineers.” llan was very optimistic about the prospects of China and believes that GTIIT students will have many opportunities to realize their dreams in China.

Miki, an experienced entrepreneur, was also very optimistic about the huge potential of China's technological development in the future. He encouraged students to develop more abilities through entrepreneurship. "I advise students to start their own business if they have such opportunity. It will help them to know how to change the world in one area through a small business. It's something that's hard to learn by working in a big organization or gain through further study."

Miki believedthere were many possibilities forGTIIT students. "Students will have a wide range of options, whether they are pursuing careers or pursuing further studies, and they can gain a deeper understanding of how technology is affecting and even changing people's lives by focusing on one area."



“We are Confident with GTIIT Students!”

Benny gave great recognition to the professional quality of GTIIT students. “Technion enjoys a high reputation for research and teaching globally. I think that under the guidance of professors from the Technion, GTIIT students have also gained rich knowledge. In addition, students not only focus on the programs, but also delve into details. More importantly, under such professional learning and training, students can gradually develop the habit of being good at thinking and innovating in daily life. I believe these outstanding students will make great contributions to China's development in the future."

“I am quite confident that GTIIT students have very high quality, because Technion is one of the top science and technology universities in the world, and the students who can study here are all selected through rigorous standards. After four-years study, I am confident that GTIIT students will become the elites and talents in the field of science and technology in China." Miki showed great expectations for GTIIT students.



Build a Solid Foundation and Never Stop Studying

Graduates often feel confused and don't know whether they can put what they have learned into practice. llan, Technion graduate of Mechanical Engineering and Material Engineering told GTIIT students that no matter what they choose to do in the future, the things they had been studying will be useful. “It will help you a lot when you choose to be a ‘Good engineer’. You might find that what you studied so far is very essential but not enough. I found that there is nothing can make me satisfied more than to know. Try to ask ‘why’ rather than blindly believe everything you learned.”

llan took the operation of an enterprise as an example to emphasize the importance of building a solid foundation. “Being a vertical integrated company manufacturing 80% of the components in-house means that we should be expert in all the manufacturing disciplines. Nothing of these could be done without understanding physics, chemistry, materials, mathematics and more.” In his opinion, disciplines are interconnected and students are encouraged to break the artificial walls between disciplines, learn what they are interested in extensively, and develop their own methodologies.

For graduates, llan advisedthem to listen to their internal voice and choose what they really love to do. “Before you make a decision, you should have a clear and deep understanding of the way you are going to choose.”




Text/Photos: GTIIT News & Public Affairs


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位置:艺考-广东本科院校-广东以色列理工学院-微高校-院校号-广东以色列理工学院-Review | “广以毕业生未来可期!”