学生代表Mutia Hanifah 2020届毕业典礼致辞中英全文


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学生代表致辞——Mutia Hanifah














在此,我要对所有的老师,XJTLU-Global, 学生心理咨询中心的学生辅导员以及无法一一提到的学校教职人员表达深深的感谢和崇高的敬意。


亲爱的2020届毕业生们,恭喜你们!我是Mutia Hanifah, 祝福大家在苏州度过愉快的一天。


Graduate representative's address- Mutia Hanifah, School ofScience

President Xi, Members of the Faculty, alumni, proud parents and my fellow graduates,

The first thing I would like to say is thank you for this extraordinary honour, for allowing me to deliver the speech in this once in a lifetime commencement ceremony.In this incredible occasion, I would like to reminisce the past memories that I personally had been through.

When I look back to myself 4 years ago today, I remember that I was laying down on my bed, thinking of what should I do after graduating from high school. By that time, studying in China; or if I could say it studying abroad; was still a dream for me. And then when I open my eyes, realising that I am speaking to you at this moment, I could tell you that my second home after Indonesia is China, living in China for almost 4 years and still not being able to speak Chinese.

As a child raised in a village nearby a remote beach, I went to the first grade of primary school which was one hour away from my home. I left home every 5:30 in the morning and prepared almost everything for myself. The 6thyear old me didn’t realise that I was taught to be an independent individual.I had a joyful childhood when living in a remote village, where I went to catch the fish in the river and cook them on a firewood.After that, I washed and cleaned myself with the water that I had to draw from a well. I also started to sell sweet iced tea, packed in a little plastic bag with a quarter RMB price.

In the 2ndgrade, I moved to another area surrounded by tropical forests, but I was entirely unaware that moving to different primary schools for 4 times has implicitly taught me to quickly adapt to the new situation around. When I was in the third grade, my mother was infected by an infectious disease caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis. It wasn’t until a year after she began to ill, that her disease could be detected. From that time on, I realised that living in a countryside was not an extraordinary pleasure at all.I have lived in a region with limited medial supplies and treatments available. Nevertheless, in this very unfortunate situation, I was given full responsibilities for taking care of my brothers and myself.

Little did I know, my life experience has taught and guided me up to this moment. Building big dreams in my life and coming to study in this prestigious university did not come easy. After experiencing bullies in high school, I had a dream to go abroad before graduation, and the first overseas country I visited was China.

Studying in the international environment of Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University with a full scholarship, and as well to gain so many things beyond my expectations, is something that has never crossed my mind.Those days at the beginning of my university life, the first time I was separated thousands of miles away from my family, that was when life started to assess me with the lessons I have learnt in the past. Carrying out the hopes of a brighter future from my family and myself, has determined my intention to work hard as a student and fully engage in the multi-cultural environment by the time I set my foot in China.

Not to miss out the moment when I almost lost my motivation for study in the third year, I kept on focusing the development of my self-confidence, taking the opportunity to be an ambassador representing Indonesia in front of the ASEAN ministers when they visited XJTLU. But after that, the thoughts of unfinished assignments, upcoming deadlines and presentations were still going around in my head, leading to those sleepless nights but still not working on it.

However, with the helpful guidance from teachers, wholehearted support from friends and familywhohave encouraged me to keep moving forward, I strived tothrive both academically and socio-emotionally.

Remember those days when we were on our way to campus but still have our eyes closed or those weeks before the exams started, everyone was freaking out by nothing but exams. By the end of our semester, very surprisingly, we were told to study from home. As good as it sounds, it turned out to be way more challenging than we have ever imagined.

Nevertheless, despite all the challenges that we encountered back then, we still managed to meet all the deadlines, finished our exams, discuss everything remotely, leading to the successful completion of our last semester. And now, here we are, in different parts of the world, celebrating our achievements through the 4 years of our undergraduate study.

Dear my fellow graduates,

To all the countless struggles that we have been through, I am very proud of you for making every single effort, waking up each day with new inspirations and hopes that this too shall pass. I am proud of you for not quitting regardless of how innumerable problems you have overcome. I am very proud of every single hour you spent in your class, library, coffee shops, or even your rooms, staring at your laptop screen to rush every countdown deadline on ICE. More importantly, I am intensely proud of you who struggle for not just for your education, but also for your everyday lives. Now you have made it to the very last step of your degree.

After this time, you may or may not be coming to Suzhou in the future but bear with me. Sooner or later, we will all miss the sunrise and sunset we see in this city, we will all miss Wenxing (文星), Hanlin(翰林), Wencui(文萃), Times Square or even Suzhou centre for every lunch and dinner and for every weekend getaway. For me, and maybe for other international friends too, I already miss eating Shou Zhua Bing(手抓饼)for my breakfast, Huang Men Ji(黄焖鸡)for my lunch, and having Ma La Xiang Guo(麻辣香锅)or Kao Leng Mian(烤冷面)for my dinner. Besides, Shao Kao(烧烤)in front of Wencui(文萃)for supper is also very much missed.

Now, I would like to express my profound and highest gratitude to all the teachers, XJTLU global, student counsellors from student counselling centre and other university staffs whom cannot be mentioned one by one.

Thank you to all my friends who always stand by my side for the ups and downs in this university life.

Dear class of 2020,

Congratulations! I am Mutia Hanifah and I wish you have an amazing day in Suzhou.







首映 | 年轻的成年人,未来已来


学子故事 | 向金字塔尖进击的西浦人




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位置:艺考-江苏本科院校-西交利物浦大学-微高校-院校号-西交利物浦大学-学生代表Mutia Hanifah 2020届毕业典礼致辞中英全文