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然后,通过校园活动和实习,我认识了中国传统文化和古代哲学,我对“教育”的理解再次得到了丰富。过去,我认为教育是达到目的的一种手段,或是智力竞争的一种形式。但是现在我明白了,教育不仅仅是为了获得一种职业或工作技能,教育是一个人在心灵、精神和无形品质上的整体成长的推动力,这些品质构成了一个人的道德结构。正如国际知名的汉学家,罗杰.艾明斯博士在China talks中的客座讲座所言,中国哲学的核心概念“和谐”是“优化共生”,关心我们社会的集体智慧和道德力量。因此,我最终决定从事教育研究,并有幸进入牛津大学的教育硕士项目。由于在本科阶段,我已经涉猎了弱势群体的边缘化教育等话题,我希望未来的教育研究也能与整个社会相联系。









Graduate representative's address- Zhijing He,School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Dear Year 4 classmates, parents and professors, honourable guests,

Good afternoon. "Farewell to a reunion for a long time", it is my pleasure to meet you and witness our graduation time together.

I actually did not imagine there would be a chance for me to stand/be here (online). But since there is such an opportunity, I hope I can do my best to share a few points that may be useful, not to waste everyone's time, but also to express my sincere gratitude and feelings to friends and teachers who have supported me.

To begin with, I'd like to briefly share a story about how I understand education in XJTLUand then raise my interest in educational research. Four years ago, I enrolled in XJTLU, which is one of the firstinternationaljoint-venture universitiesin China, where the emphasis is put not just on test performance, but also student’s personal development. In this new mode of learning that incorporated Anglo-Saxon education methods in a Chinese context, I was first introduced to the topic of "education" as a subject, a philosophy, and a way of thinking.

Then, as I encountered Chinese traditional culture and ancient philosophy through campus activities and internships, my understanding of "education" was enriched again. In the past, I had thought of education as a means to an end or a form of intellectual competition, but I now see that there is much more to education than the mere obtaining of a trade or job skill. Education is the propelling force for the integral making of a person, in mind, spirit and the intangible qualities that contribute to his moral fabric. As Dr Roger T. Ames, an internationally renowned sinologist, puts it so eloquently in his guest lecture of the “China talks”, the central concept underpinning Chinese philosophy, "harmony和", is "optimising symbiosis" that cares about the collective intellectual and moral powers in our society. Therefore, I finally decided to take my time into educational research and has this luck to enter the MSc program of education in Oxford. As I have explored topics of socialist education, as well as marginalized education for migrant children and ethnic minorities,I hope and believe my future research could be connected to the whole society.

However, I am also very clear that my path has never been completely alone. Without those strong supports behind, I don't think I could be so confident to only apply for top universities in England. Of course, this does not mean that I can rely on others for everything. On the contrary, only enough serious and hard work is worth the willing help of those around you. This isone of my most significant experience. Besides, the attitude of professors is also very important. In the Department of China Studies, I have met some professors who show the highest willingness to assist students. They have sufficient academic strength, untiring patience and great enthusiasm. This is the core reason why I am confident that even in Oxford, my academic level could also be competent. Of course, not only our department,I also noticed many other departments who are seriously responsible and caring about their students. It truly is our best luck inXJTLU, to meet with and learn from these kind professors.

Another point I would make is that doing hard work could be common, but it is also worthwhile. I have heard stories of many classmates staying up late to meet the deadlines, and sometimes I am also one of them.To be honest, I seldom exhausted myself before entering the university, but I have really tried my best in some coursework in year 3 and year 4. During these experiences, I gradually notice my limits, together with some strength, and build my own learning system.

Studying at XJTLUis not easy, I think we are all clear about that. However, it is precisely because of this hard work, that we could reach the same, or even higher level, with graduates in other Chinese top universities. When we receive admission from a favourite college, we would think that everything is worth it. Especially for this year, we have achieved the graduation results obtained through our own strong efforts and self-control. It could be the medal of our life.

If I use two clauses to extract the most important things I learned from XJTLU, is “facing the flexibility and taking the challenge.” The university is more like society, especially for our uni. Since every final resultis not determined by a single examination, I had the chance to choose the topic which is difficult but interesting. For example, my fyp topic is exploring educational experiences during the Cultural Revolution. For most time I got good results, and sometimes I did not. But I cherish the opportunity and freedom, in which we no longer need to only listen to others but to make our own choice and create our own way.

I'd also like to share with you a beautiful word: "serendipity". It could simply refer to a pleasant surprise. For me, after going through sevesral discomforts, I usually find a significant fortune that changes the result. As a small example,I had been failed to reach the expected score of IELTS before my final try. At that time, I was almost desperate, so I just take a rest, and try to discuss with the speaking examiner happily. Then, things changed. So, I'd like to suggest you: keep trying, there could be a chance for you if you fully prepared and keep searching.

Finally, I would like to end with a warm memory: when I leave, Iwouldremember the small white building, the pale pink cherry blossoms; I would remember the nutritious South Campus cafeteria; the Ten-story library backed with high technology and rich storage; remember the daily moments, the happy chats and lively discussions with professors and classmates.

I wish: "Four years cherished and the journey starts smoothly."Thank you all.







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