学生代表Thomas Cilloni 2020届毕业典礼致辞中英全文


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学生代表致辞——Thomas Cilloni





大学不仅仅是由学生组成的。奉献其中的教职人员同样重要,他们是形成健康高效环境的关键。当然,这个过程中也有起起落落,或积极或消极的经历,但这不正是生活中最常见的情况吗? 作为积极强化理念的倡导者,请允许我对我遇到的那些努力付出的教职人员表示感谢。

首先,尽管他去年离开了学校,我还是要感谢Charles Fleming教授,感谢他的远见,感谢他对研究的专注,感谢他主动让各个年级的学生参与他的项目。他一直都是身边所有人的灵感来源。

我还想感谢Wei Wang教授和Gangmin Li教授,他们把热情融入每一堂课中,传递着宝贵的行业知识和丰富的个人经历。这些年来,他们教授的课程广受称赞,是优良教育的范本,更是产学融合的成功典范。




Graduate representative's address- Thomas Cilloni, Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering

We are now facing an unprecedented historical moment that has posed serious challenges to all students and staff in our school and around the world. As an Italian citizen living in China, I have been deeply moved by the impact of the corona virus pandemic on both countries. Nonetheless, we all have to keep our heads high and move forward with perseverance. I strongly believe in the power of a committed individual and, even more, in that of a community of strong and committed people.

Even though I am still young and inexperienced, I have come to realise the importance of competition and have made it one of the pillars of my own being. Since I started university, three years ago, I have felt an ever-increasing pressure from my peers, a pressure to perform well, and to achieve high results. This pressure, though at first may seem as something negative, is what I believe to be one of the engines that propel students in their first years of university studies. In my case, this pressure soon evolved into positive energy, creating in me a desire for challenge.

This state of mind is what led me to challenge some of my computer science peers, and in return be challenged by them, many times over. No matter whether we were working on an essay, a programming assignment, or a side project, the spirit of competition that we shared was extraordinary. These peers soon became my friends, and we started collaborating with one another. I found myself in a situation I never thought possible; I was helping my friends and receiving help in return, while at the same time competing with them to achieve higher heights, just as they were. We were pushing each other to perform better, study faster and work smarter.

This situation created a state of friendly competition, which I believe to be an important factor that contributed to both my own and my friend's achievements, at school, at work, and in life. This realisation is not something that I have known all along, rather I have come to understand it with time, especially now, because we are separated. Therefore, I would like to share with all of you this message: embrace competition, for your competitors can greatly help you, and can often become your friends. While competition may mean fighting to outperform the other, it does not imply dragging the other down in the process. Instead, healthy and friendly competition can result in mutual benefits and a push to achieve our best selves. I strongly believe in this idea and I am grateful to all my peers and friends who have grown with me in these years.

A school is not only made of students, though; its staff is equally important, and is key to building a healthy and productive environment. Naturally, there have been ups and downs in this, with some positive and some negative experiences, but that is most often the case in life too, isn't it? As an advocate of positive reinforcement, please allow me to express my gratitude towards those members of staff I met who have truly worked hard for the department and the school.

First of all, even though he left the school last year, I would like to thank Professor Charles Fleming, for his vision, for his strong research focus, and for his initiative in involving students from all grades in his projects. He has been a source of inspiration for all those who had the chance to know him.

I also want to thank Professors Wei Wang and Gangmin Li for the passion they put into delivering their classes, always enriched with precious industry knowledge and informative personal experiences. The modules they teach have been among the best throughout the years; they are models of good education and the successful fusion between industry and academia.

Finally, a special thanks goes to Gary from XJTLU Global, who is always there to help international students and often goes the extra mile to ensure everyone is happy.

Studying at XJTLU has been a wonderful and rich experience, both personally and academically. This wouldn't have been possible without the University's approach to education. Its research-led learning model was implemented in many modules and extra activities available for students. This proved to be essential for many students' growth, and is demonstrated by their academic success and the clear career directions that many are now taking. I wish more higher education institutions would adopt this very model, to give students life-long learning skills and shape a world in which research can be more present than ever. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to XJTLU for these life-changing opportunities and for the chance to speak to you all today.







首映 | 年轻的成年人,未来已来


学子故事 | 向金字塔尖进击的西浦人




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