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进入大四以后,常常听人把这样的话挂在嘴边:“天哪我竟然要毕业了,天哪我这四年都干了什么?”时光飞逝,仿佛上一次我们同家人坐在这里,还是四年前的新生专业介绍会。我非常庆幸有今天这样一个机会,让我慢下来,认真地回顾在西浦走过的日子。脑海里,四年前初次到校报到的场景是那么清晰,因为那天恰巧是我的18岁生日。出租车载着我和家人在文星广场路边停下,8月的阳光甚是刺眼,直照进车窗内,但我仍不禁探出脑袋,观望着周围的一切。眼神充满懵懂与无畏,内心的激动难以掩饰。同样在那天,buddy得知了我的生日,为我送上一个蛋糕。正是这样一份来自学姐的关怀,让远离家乡的孤独与不适变淡了,也让我第一次感受到,加入这个“以学生为中心,关注学生健康成长和心理需求” 的西浦大家庭,是那么温暖和幸运。之后的两年,我一直协助老师负责学校在我家乡的招生活动。从参与新生高招会,到组织同乡会,我一直充当着一个分享者,向学弟学妹和家长们讲述我和西浦的故事。我无数次被问到:“在西浦你到底能收获什么?”我的答案,在四年后的今天,变得明确和坚定。

成为年轻的成年人。“年轻的成年人”的定义究竟是什么呢? 我的理解是:我们是勇于担当的成年人,要学会为自己的行为负责,但我们依旧年轻,依旧离不开老师、家人和前辈的引导与帮助。我一直觉得自己是适合西浦的。四年前,当家人都对这所年轻的学校抱有迟疑时,我仍力排众议选择它。因为我听到了自己内心的声音,那个渴望改变、创新和自由的我,被西交利物浦大学的“不同”深深吸引,就算知道这是一条更富挑战的路,我也决定为自己的选择负责。在接下来的四年里,西浦提供给我们无数选择:大一的我们可以自由地转专业,大二的我们面临着是否“2+2”的抉择,大三大四的我们站在出国继续深造或直接就业的十字路口。与其说这是西浦提供给我们的不同道路,不如说这是西浦独特教育理念和体系下,送给西浦人帮助我们不断审视自己,认识自己的礼物。这些“选择”,迫使刚踏入成年人世界的我们开始考虑自己的未来,规划自己的人生。我开始思考自己到底适合什么,想要什么;开始学会积极主动的利用身边一切资源去搜寻相关信息,比如查询官网,参与学校组织的分享会,与学长姐和导师交流;学会了信息整合后的利弊分析;学会了独自应对各种挑战。最重要的是,我学会了在众多可能性中遵从内心做出选择,而不受固化思维的限制。

我们是年轻的,西浦也是年轻的。这几年来,我们和西浦一起变化着,成长着。理科楼旁的樱花树长出了新枝,南北校区的通道被涂鸦点亮,国际商学院搬进了新大楼,我们也成长为了更好的我们。除此以外,西浦对未来教育形态的积极思考也在不断深入,它总是与时俱进,不断创新和创造适应这个时代的教育体系。例如,根据数字智能时代对人才需要的变化,西浦提出融合式教育,并在西浦创业家学院(太仓)进行各种试点;5G时代背景下,西浦开设了息息相关的新专业;以及在过去短短几个月,为应对疫情的变化,学校克服一切困难,完成了在线教育平台的完善和升级。这对我们又有什么启发呢?在瞬息万变的世界中,在环境日趋复杂、竞争日益激烈的商业社会中,我们如何能更好的适应?首先,我觉得要有一颗open mind ,这使我们更加包容,更加能听到不同的声音,从而不断探索和发现更多的可能性和更广阔的世界。其次,我们要有终身学习的心态和能力,只有不断提升自我学习能力,才能让我们在走出校园后也能快速适应社会的发展。





Graduate representative's address- Shiyu Yi, BSc Economics and Finance, IBSS

Dear distinguished teachers, students,and parents,

I'm Shiyu Yi, a graduate of Economics and Finance. It's my great honour to speak here as the representative of the class of 2020. I know very well that I cannot represent all the students because the four years you are about to end are as unique as mine. But please allow me to share some of my experience here, and I hope it may resonate with you.

After starting the senior year, I often heard people saying: My God, I am going to graduate! What did I do in these four years? Indeed, time really flies,as if the last time we sat here with our family was a freshman introduction meeting four years ago. I'm very fortunate to have this opportunity today to allow me to review the past four years I spent atXJTLU.

In my memory, the scene when I first came to school was so clear, because that day happened to be my 18thbirthday. The August sun shone directly into the car window dazzling, I couldn't help but stick my head out and watch everything around me. My eyes were full of innocence, and my excitement was hard to hide.Later that day, I was given a little cake by my buddy as she knew it was my birthday. Exactly, it's such care that fades my loneliness and discomfort caused by being away from home. It also made me feel for the first time that I'm so lucky to join the XJTLU family, which is "student-centred, focusing on the healthy growth and psychological needs of students". For the next two years, I assisted teachers with university enrollment activities in my hometown. From participating in the recruitment meetings to organising the hometown association, I always acted as a sharer, telling story of XJTLU and me to juniors and their parents. I was asked countless times “what can you gain atXJTLU?” My answer today, four years later, becomes very specific and clear.

Becoming a young adult. My understanding of young adult is: we are adults who need to take responsibility for our own actions, but we are still too young to be independent from the guidance of teachers, parents and predecessors.I always think that I am suitable for XJTLU. Four years ago, when my family was hesitant about this young university, I chose it regardless. Because I heard the voice in my heart, I, eager for change, innovation and freedom, was deeply attracted by the "uniqueness" of XJTLU. Even though I knew it would be a challenging path, I decided to be responsible for my choice.In the next four years, XJTLU offered us many choices. As a freshman, we can change our majors; in the second year, we are faced with the choice of "2 + 2" or not; senior students are at the crossroads of choosing whether to continue studying overseas or find jobs. Instead of saying these are different paths offered by XJTLU, it is better to say it is a gift that helps us to constantly examine and recognise ourselves under XJTLU's unique educational philosophy and system. These choices force us, who have just stepped into the adulthood, to start thinking about our future and planning our life. I began to think about what I want and what suits me; I began to actively use all the resources to search for information, such as querying the official websites, participating in school-organised sharing sessions, and communicating with buddies and mentors. I learned to analyse the advantages and disadvantages after information integration and learned to cope with various challenges on my own; the most important is to learn to follow my heart within a variety of possibilities of life and not to be restricted by conventional thinking.

We are young, the 14-year-old XJTLU is very young. Over the past four years, we have grown together. The cherry trees beside the science building are growing new branches; the tunnel is lit up by artistic graffiti; the business school has moved into new building. In addition, XJTLU always keeps pace with the times and constantly innovates the educational system to adapt. For instance, in order to meet the changes of talent needs in the digital intelligence era, XJTLU has proposed integrated education and conducted various pilot projects in Taicang campus. In response to the coming 5G era, XJTLU offers students new related majors and programmes. In the past few months, the university has overcome all the difficulties and challenges of online teaching and learning to cope with the outbreak of COVID-19. So, what's the inspiration for us? How can we adapt to this fast-changing societyand the business world with complex environment and fierce competition? Firstly, I think it's necessary to have an open mind, which makes us more inclusive, and more capable to hear different voices, so as to explore more possibilities of life. Secondly, we should establish a lifelong learning attitude. Only by constantly improving our self-learning ability, can we adapt to the development of society once we leave the university.

I remember a senior schoolmate once said to me that the achievements of a century-old famous university fall to its predecessors, while the young XJTLU is being defined by us now. We are proud of the accomplishment of the business school and XJTLU's high enrollment rate of world-famous universities, but we also hear the skeptical voice that it’s too young. We have all chosen XJTLU, and we will soon leave, we will carry all the praises and prejudices about XJTLU. We won't be arrogant or humble, but bear in mind everything XJTLU has taught us, prove and define ourselves with actions. This definition of ourselves becomes the definition of XJTLU.

Today's era is our post-90s era. In this epidemic situation, if we pay a little attention, we would find that there are many figures of our post-90s in the frontline of medical care, in the volunteer team, and in the grass-roots community. From them, I see dedication and responsibility, as well as hope and future. Yesterday we were babies in the eyes of our parents, today we have become the main force in the anti-epidemic frontline. We are striving to transform from sheltered children to young adults, then to responsible and capable world citizens. While enjoying ourselves being young and carefree, we are commencing to take an active part in the design and operation of the world.I believe many ofus are going abroad for further study, I hope, as international students, when experiencing various cultures of the world, we could hold " global vision with Chinese feelings", and have a mission in mind to make great contributions to our motherland.

Looking back on the past, my heart is no longer fluctuating, but more longing for the future. This is the courage XJTLU brings to me, makes me more confident. The four yearshave been engraved in my heartand created me who is standing here today. Finally, I want to represent all the students here to thank the university and all the staff, who have made us so far. Congratulations totheclass of 2020. All the best wishes and I will certainly miss you. Thank you.







首映 | 年轻的成年人,未来已来


学子故事 | 想对18岁的自己说:高考没考好也可以读剑桥




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