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语言并不是我们在研究生阶段面临的唯一挑战。因为我们的课时安排真的很紧凑,所以必须保证安排好自己的时间,从而能够上好每一节课,参加每一次小组会议,完成足够多的额外学习活动课时以及作业。这时,截止日期便成了我们最主要的动力。相信你与我一样,都曾为了确保在截止日期前提交作业,而疯狂地赶作业。而且截止日期仿佛是所有教授都讨论过并且一致同意的,因为它们几乎都出现在同一天,或者每个星期总有几个截止日期来保证我们忙得不可开交。因此,我很难平衡我的学习、作为研究助理的工作和我的社交生活,我也试图好好地休息。而这也使得时间管理成为我在硕士学习期间的另一个挑战。我必须提前计划好所有的事情,以确保我有足够的时间来学习,完成我的课程作业,与朋友出去玩,或者我可以休息放松一下。相信大家和我差不多,甚至在硕士期间中要做的事情更多。在每一次疯狂的 "截止日期周 "或者 "截止日期月"之后,我们都有一种劫后余生的感觉。然而,当我们看到自己优异的成绩时,我们知道,所有的努力都是有回报的。



Graduate representative's address- Yuehan Yang, MSc Operations and Supply Chain Management, IBSS

Dear Professors, staff, distinguished guests, families, and fellow graduates,

My name is Yuehan, I want to thank you all for joining in and celebrating this special day with us and I also want to say congratulations, graduates of the class of 2020. As nervous as I am now, I also feel much honoured to represent the graduating class of 2020 to deliver this speech today. Before I start, I have to admit that writing this speech is not much easier than writing papers and writing my dissertation. First of all, I may have to say something to make you laugh, and then make you cry a little bit. While you are crying, I also have to say something meaningful to inspire you about the present or the future. So as you can see, it is really not an easy task.

But when I started to think about my master's experience in the past year and a half at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University with my professors, families, friends, and my classmates, and then I thought about the experience of this special year of 2020, I realiase maybe delivering a speech is not as hard as I thought, and I believe that these experiences will become unforgettable memories for all of us.

Today is an important day in our lives. When I am standing here, it also reminds me of all the memorable moments. It might be the last day for some of us as students but it is a new beginning of a journey for all graduates. I believe that all of us would cherish the experience of studying and growing at XJTLU as it is also growing with us. Due to this year's pandemic, our plans of going abroad for further studiesor looking for and taking up jobs have been disrupted. However, it is also because of the pandemic, our graduation this year has become unique. Talking from the perspective of a graduating student, I believe everyone here has had their own share of stories for this year and excitement of graduation that they will carry along with their life.

For me, as a student of the International Business School Suzhou atXJTLU, I faced many challenges in my postgraduate study, and language is one of them. XJTLU is an international university, where English is the main language we use. It is the second language for me and for most of other studentshere. Therefore, I sometimes experienced language barriers during reading and communication. However, in the process of learning, I have learned that communication and cooperation not only play a significant role in the real business world but also in the class. Despite the difficulty of language, my group members and I have managed to communicate and cooperate effectively with each other to achieve our common goals. We used body language and gestures to help us express meanings in group discussions, which were also useful ways for us to learn English and to learn each other's language. I think most international students improved their mandarin skills, or, of course, including communication skills with Taobao customer service. So, thanks to our cooperation and efforts, the results turned out to be satisfactory. I feel so lucky and honoured to share the unique experience with you.

However, language was not the only challenge we faced in postgraduate school. Since our class schedules were really tight, we have to make sure we arrange our time well to attend every class and every group meeting, to complete enough hours for our additional learning activities, and to finish our coursework. And the deadlines are always the primary productive force. I believe that we have all gone through crazy hours to make sure that we submitted our assignments right before deadlines. And it seemed that the deadlines were discussed and agreed by all professors. Because deadlines were pretty much all around the same date or each week always had a couple of deadlines to keep us busy. So it was hard to balance my study, my work as a research assistant, and my social life, and I also tried to get enough time to sleep as well. And this makes time management become another challenge for me during my master's study. I had to plan everything ahead to make sure I got enough time to study, to finish my coursework, to hang out with my friends, or I could take a break and just relax. I believe everyone was pretty much thesame as me, or even had more things to do during their master's life. After every crazy "deadline week" or "deadline month", we had the feeling of being a survivor of disasters. However, when we saw our excellent results, we knew that all the efforts were paid off.

Although graduate school challenged us in so many different ways, it is those challenging moments that have helped us learn and grow. Same as the challenge the world has been facing this year, the pandemic of COVID-19 has affected everyone all over the world, causing serious damage to humans, society, and economy worldwide. By standing here, I would like to thank all those who have contributed to helping control this pandemic. Because of the efforts of each of us, now we can hold a ceremony here together to celebrate our graduation. It proves that we have the confidence to overcome the challenge of the pandemic, and I believe the world will overcome it eventually. With this special experience, we will be more confident to cope with all the challenges arising in the future. Congratulations again to you, all the graduates. And thank you very much, our dear XJTLU, professors, staff, families, friends, and fellow classmates for sharing this journey with me. I wish you all the best of luck with the future ahead. Thank you!







首映 | 年轻的成年人,未来已来


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