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Graduate representative's address- Qinlin Wang, Department ofCivil Engineering

Goodafternoon ladies and gentlemen,

It'sa great honour to be here today, to address in 2020 Department of Civil Engineering graduation ceremony, representing my classmates to welcome our distinguished faculty, proud parents, guests and the most important, the classof2020.

Well, I am sure you must have been asked this question or similar ones, when you were little - “what is your dream?”. My mother asked me this question for almost 15 years since I started to school. It seems not difficult to have a satisfying answer for her. As I remembered, I have given my mom a number of great goals to show my great ambition, such as being a scientist, an inventor like Edison or one of the youngest women entrepreneurs.Well, all sounded great, but obviously I did NOT become anyone of them. However, my mom seems like a more ambitious ladyand insisted to ask me this question through my adolescence. I have tried a lot of ways to find out what I really wanted to do. I tried to discover talents in sports and arts, and I failed. But fortunately, I got into XJTLU and NOW, I am standing here.

Right after graduating from high school, some infant fragments about my dream life had been sprouting. I might not be the most talented one, but maybe, I could offer my individual contributions to this world. RightbeforeI enteredthe campus, I went to Dubai. I was surprised by those advanced infrastructures. Well, I heard there were many breathtaking buildings, but the truth is when you actually see them with your own eyes, you would still ask yourself “We already have that beauty on earth?” Automatic light rail, remarkable skyscrapers, gorgeous mansions, and advanced irrigation facilities. Then, I wondered. Perhaps, there might be something, even I was able to offer to make my home country a better place if I could do a related profession.

However, when I was a freshman atXJTLU, I was wondering which occupation I should choose eventually. At that time, most of my family members suggested me to study economics related courses because they believed that sitting in a fancy office, dressing like a professional lady is a decent and suitable life for a girl, and they couldn’t see a bright prospect in construction industry, at least for a girl. But I couldn’t agree with them. Remember what I said about my dream job? I don’t care if I could dress nicelyto work or not. Civil Engineering. Yes, it is! Courses were not easy but I like challenges (I always do) and I was sure I had confidence to overcome any problem I came across. I might not be a genius, but I believe hardworking can be rewarded eventually. My dear fellows, I’m sure you have been working very hard as well. During my four years atXJTLU,I have joined a variety of activities and tried to change the stereotypes for female civil engineering students and encouraged my classmates to enjoy the campus life through joining clubs and events in school. BecauseI personally believe no matter which field you are working in, construction industry in my case, comprehensive knowledge from different backgrounds would always be appreciated.

Here, I would like to thank my department - Civil Engineering,whichencouraged me to figure out the direction of my study during these four years. I really appreciate all my tutors especially Dr ZHANGCheng. Thank you for all the help and supports for my personaland academic life. Also,I would liketo appreciate my friends who have accompaniedme to get through the toughest time of my university life. You are the most valuable gifts for the past 4 years. Finally, my sincere thanks to my parents who have been supporting and trusting me all the time, which encouraging me to keep forward to a better and higher life. All the love I have received is and will continue to be the motivator for me to get closer to my dream.

Before I finish my speech, congratulations, class of 2020, my fellow students, my dear friends! I am so proud of what you have achieved. All the best and I will miss you so much. Keep in touch and I will see you as we are becoming better individuals.

Thank you.





发布 | 西交利物浦大学2020年本科招生专业


首映 | 年轻的成年人,未来已来


学子故事 | 想对18岁的自己说:高考没考好也可以读剑桥




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