Entrepreneurship Course | GTIIT这门宝藏课程,你一定要了解一下(上)




“以色列人会一个问题接着一个问题不停地问,而且常常会因为不同的意见而争论不休。” 以色列驻广州领事馆经济与商务领事Shirly Cofiman的一番话,引得在场师生开怀大笑。


“学校开设创业教育课程,旨在向社会输送一批具有'自由、开放、独立的思维模式,多元、多维的洞察和设计能力,敢试、敢行、敢于人先'的科技创新型人才,在扎实专业科研知识和能力的同时,提高学生对创业机遇的发现、认知和把控,从而提高自主创业的成功几率。”授课老师黄增煜博士介绍道。课程注重培养学生国际视野,在教授理论知识的基础上,围绕 “X-Culture”国际协作学习项目、“学生创新创业实践”项目开展丰富的教学活动,切实帮助学生提高创新创业能力。







"Israelis keep askingonequestion after another, and they always argue due to different opinions," said Shirly Cofiman, Consul of Economic and Trade Mission at Consulate General of Israel in Guangzhou. Her words made GTIIT faculty and students laugh out loud.

GTIIT is featured with innovation and entrepreneurshipeducation. During their undergraduate studies, students can get involved in research projects and learn about innovation and entrepreneurship systematically through relevant courses. This wonderful sharing by Shirly Cofiman is part of the program.

"Our goal is to cultivate technologically innovative talents with anopen andindependentmindset, diversified insights and design capabilities, daring to try, to do and to be the first to others.Thecoursewill consolidate students'scientific knowledge and ability, and improve their recognition of entrepreneurship thus to increase the probability of success in self-employment,"said Dr. Victor Huang, who is responsible for GTIIT entrepreneurship course. Focusing on cultivating students' internationalperspectives, this course provides students with theoretical knowledge and practical teaching activities such as the international learning project "X-Culture" and "Launch Start"in orderto effectively help students improve their innovation and entrepreneurship capabilities.


As one of the largest international learning projects in the world, "X-Culture" involves more than 60,000 students from 652 universities in 102 countries on all 6 continents. Participants are divided into different groups randomly to complete consulting projects raised by 12 international companies. Chen Liu, a student from Chemical Engineering program, noted that she benefited a lot from this course. "The outbreak of Covid-19 has caused major changes in the international environment. International companies are facingproblems ofdigital transformation, structural adjustments in supply chain, and changes in customer consumption habits. We need to understand the current international situation and think about how to transform and upgrade companies in the post-epidemic era as well as carry out innovativeinternationalcollaboration in this project." Teaching Assistant Wang Kankan spoke highly of the students' performance. "Working with people from around the globe, our students overcome interdisciplinarydifficulties, cultural differences, time-zone dispersion, and global communication challenges. They all did a really good job." Finally, 5 teams from GTIIT were selected from over 12,000 teams and won the "Best Team"of the "X-Culture" project this semester.


"I am glad that I chose this course, which provides me opportunities to meet geeks from different fields," said Year 1 student Chen Jia. She added that their sharing helps her to think outside the box, see the world from a diversified perspective and broaden her businessideas. Wang Ziming, a student from Materials Science and Engineering program said that Shirly's sharing was still fresh in his memory. "I have a better understanding of Israelis' mindsetof'stay curious and asking questions', which cultivate Israeli culture that appreciates failure, innovation and challenge."

GTIIT entrepreneurship course aims to cultivate students' creative and scientificmindthrough vertical and horizontal teachingmodesince entrepreneurshipis not something that can beachieved by merely using methodologies and theoretical tools. In the next episode, we will share how students participate inLaunch Startproject to turn their professional knowledge into practice.



Text: GTIITResearch, Innovation &GraduateStudies

Photos: GTIIT News & Public Affairs

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位置:艺考-广东本科院校-广东以色列理工学院-微高校-院校号-广东以色列理工学院-Entrepreneurship Course | GTIIT这门宝藏课程,你一定要了解一下(上)