China-Israel Cooperation | 在广以,感受中外合作新篇章




















According to Xinhua News Agency, Chinese President Xi Jinping had a phone conversation with his Israeli counterpart, Isaac Herzog, on November 17, 2021.

Xi noted that China will take the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations with Israel next year as an opportunity to promote the sustained, healthy and stable development of their innovative comprehensive partnership.

Xi stressed that China and Israel have complementary economic advantages, and are fully capable of carrying out mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation. China is ready to deepen cooperation with Israel in such fields as science and technology, agriculture and health care, and expand exchanges and cooperation with Israel in culture, education, tourism, sports and other areas, so as to lay a solid foundation for the friendly public opinion between the two countries, he said. Xi added that China welcomes Israel to actively participate in the Global Development Initiative.

For his part, Herzog said that Israel pays high respect for China’s long history and splendid culture, and sincerely admires the development achievements made by the Chinese people under the outstanding leadership of President Xi. He said that the Israeli people will never forget the precious help the Chinese people rendered to the Jewish refugees. The Israeli president underlined that Israel firmly adheres to the one-China policy and is committed to deepening Israel-China friendly relations. He added that Israel is willing to join hands with China to successfully host a series of activities celebrating the 30th anniversary of diplomatic ties and strengthen exchanges and cooperation in such fields as science and technology, innovation, economy, agriculture, and sports.

Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology (GTIIT) is the first Sino-Foreign cooperative educational institution in China to introduce high-quality Israeli higher educational resources and has independent legal status. President Xi Jinping’s phone conversation with President Isaac Herzog has caused heated discussions among GTIIT students. They are encouraged and excited, expressing that they will improve themselves to be high-level personnel with research and innovation capabilities, embrace the trend of global development, and contribute to the friendly relationship between China and Israel.


GTIIT campus

Lin Qia, a student from Class of 2023, says, “As a student of GTIIT, I experience the cooperation between China and Israel in the field of science, technology and education. The spirit of ‘Chutzpah’ in Jewish education, which means the courage to challenge the convention, inspires me a lot. Hope the friendship between China and Israel will last forever!”

The students are encouraged by the bright prospects for cooperation between China and Israel in the realm of science, technology, innovation and economy as mentioned in the conversation. Xu Ziyi from Class of 2024 thinks that GTIIT can satisfy the needs and goals of Sino-Israeli cooperation since it aims to be a globally recognizedscience and technology institution. “It is the best of times for GTIIT’s development. It is also the best of times for GTers to become high-tech innovators.”


GTIIT Visitors & Innovation Center

Pang Xinyu from Class of 2024 indicates that there are many teachers from Israel and communications between different cultures make the process of study and research amazing and enjoyable. “I can feel the positive academic atmosphere in GTIIT,” Pang says. Among the teaching faculty of GTIIT, most of them are from the Technion. They integrate into the Chinese life, feel the charm of Chinese culture and have built deep friendships with students. At the beginning of 2020, when China suffering from the outbreak of COVID-19, GTIIT foreign faculty donated a batch of medical supplies from Israel to Wuhan No.3 Hospital.


GTIIT foreign faculty donated medical supplies to Wuhan

When the epidemic situation in Israel was serious in April, 2020, GTers and their parents also sent a batch of anti-COVID supplies to support the Technion. The “Love Relay” shows the firm friendship between China and Israel.


GTers and their parents donated anti-COVID supplies to support the Technion



Text: Xinhua News Agency, GTIIT News & Public Affairs

Photos: GTIIT News & Public Affairs

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位置:艺考-广东本科院校-广东以色列理工学院-微高校-院校号-广东以色列理工学院-China-Israel Cooperation | 在广以,感受中外合作新篇章