Graduates | 刘珉玮:奋斗不息,步履不止















珉玮认为自己在广以最大的收获是养成了独立思考的习惯,并掌握了高效的提问方法。“我高中期间就常向老师提问,所以刚到大学时我也会经常参加教授的Office hour,或者和教授邮件预约时间请教问题。但经过一段时间的学习后,我发现不能一味的寻求教授帮助,在提问之前或者之后,自己去阅览室借阅相关课本或网上查阅资料和文献,然后结合向教授提问所获取的答案和思考,对解决问题的帮助其实更大。”

事实证明,在珉玮申请研究生的过程中,独立思考的能力发挥着关键作用。“我申请伦敦大学学院研究型硕士时,曾和导师讨论过我的研究计划。导师在修改意见中表示可以考虑用他所建议的纳米颗粒来装载药物,而我却认为另一种纳米颗粒会更好。于是我查阅了这种纳米颗粒的相关资料,找到了它的优点,证明了使用它的合理性,并大胆地和导师阐述了我的理由。导师最终接受了我的观点,称赞这是一个Good idea并让我按这个思路继续写下去。”珉玮认为,只要找到能够证明自己观点合理性的论据,就要勇敢地表达自己的看法。“广以培养了我大胆质疑和独立思考的能力,我觉得这种能力会让我终身受用。”





珉玮小时候的理想是当一名医生,但由于高考成绩无法达到心仪的医学院,于是他决定“曲线救国”,去探索药物领域,离自己的“医学梦”更近一些。 “我喜欢去探索和挑战人类目前普遍存在的问题,其中之一就是癌症。目前虽然有很多方法去治疗癌症,但以传统化疗为例,虽然有一定的效果,但也逐渐展现出了它的弊端。因此,人类亟需一个新型的癌症治疗手段。”















“在课业学习方面,遇到问题首先还是要多思考和提问,多去参加教授的Office hour,向老师请教你的学习、发展规划、研究方向等问题,教授都会很乐意解答。”他告诉同学们不要惧怕提问,“教授不会认为你的问题很愚蠢,相反他会觉得你是一个善于思考的学生。在提问的同时,也要保持自己独立思考的习惯,这对今后的学习有很大帮助。”





Graduates | 熊逸飞:行稳致远,厚积薄发

Graduates | 黄润生:目光所及,皆是风景

Graduates | 颜莞尔:脚踏实地,静待花开

Graduates | 吴之林:挑战不可能,圆直博之梦

Graduates | 袁春霖:心有所向,风雨兼程

Graduates | 雷厉:因为广以,所以广阔

Graduates | 李依璘:会学会玩的 “元气少女”

Graduates | 陈卓南:广以是挑战自我的历练场

Graduates | 林煜:研究型学习的践行者

Graduates | 杨逸凡:“全能少年”修炼记

Graduates | 黄欣怡:在广以成为更好的自己

Graduates | 岑致诺:逐梦广以,上限无限

Graduates | 唐绍凯:青春无限好,奋发正当时

Graduates | 林慧梓:广以学霸初长成

Graduates | 陈嘉杭:结缘广以,爱我所爱


The first cohort students were graduated from Guangdong Technion - Israel Institute of Technology this year. The series of interviews with the graduates from Class of 2021 will show their stories with GTIIT in the past four years. Here is the story about Liu Minwei, a student of Class of 2021 from Chemical Engineering Program.


Name: Liu Minwei

High School: HubeiShuiguohu SeniorHigh School

Program: Chemical Engineering

Received offers from:


Liu Minwei,is tough and calm in his heart. He has a clear goal, rigorous attitude toward academics and the pursuit of dream. It’s believed that he can become a good scientist in the future with the valuable quality.Minwei is going to study at University College London, Surgery and Interventional Science Program (MPhil), to pursue his dream in a new journey of his life.


Every little makes a mickle

When talking about his study and life at GTIIT, Minwei's sense of achievement and satisfaction is palpable. "GTIIT provides us with an international platform, which broadens my horizon, cultivates my innovative thinking ability, enables me to learn the necessary skills for scientific research, and makes me closer to my dream."

Liu Minwei compares learning to a process of accumulation. “Almost every core course needs to use the knowledge learned before. Only when the knowledge of the previous course is firmly mastered, the later course can be learned more easily.”

Minwei believes that his biggest gain at GTIIT are the habit of independent thinking and asking questions efficiently. “I used to ask my teachers questions in high school, so when I first came to GTIIT, I often attended professors' office hours or made email appointments with them to ask questions. But after a period of study, I found that I could not only seek help from the professor. Before or after asking questions, I looked up relevant textbooksin the library or literature on the Internet, and then combined with the answers and thoughts from the professors. It was actually more helpful to solve problems.”

The ability to think independently proved crucial in Minwei's postgraduate application process. “When I applied for Masterof Philosophyat UCL, I discussed my research proposal with my supervisor. He suggested that I could consider using the nanoparticles he suggested to load the drugs, but I thought another nanoparticle would be better. Therefore, I looked for relevant literature of this nanoparticle, found its advantages, proved the rationality of using it, and explained my reasons to my supervisor. He finally accepted my idea, praised it as a good idea and told me to keep going along it.” Minwei believes that one should be brave enough to speak up as long as he can find evidence to support his opinion. "GTIIT cultivates my ability to question bravely and think independently, which I think will be useful to me all my life."

In the pursuit of knowledge and dream, Minwei has always been diligent, serious and rigorous, conquering one difficulty after another step by step. "These four years let me deeply appreciate the breadth of knowledge, but also realize that I still have a long way to go to achieve my dream."



Be persistent because of my dream

Minwei hoped to be a doctor when he was a child, but he couldn't get into his ideal medical school because of his Gaokao scores, so he decided to explore the field of medicine to get closer to his dream. "I like to explore and challenge the most common problems humanity faced today, and one of them is cancer. At present, there are many ways to treat cancer. However, taking traditional chemotherapy as an example, although it has a certain effect, it also gradually shows its disadvantages. Therefore, a new cancer treatment is urgently needed."

Although he is initially interested in drug treatments for cancer, Minwei says the real impetus for his future research comes from his elective course Fundamentals of Bionanotechnology. "This course focuses on the application of bionanotechnology, which involves the knowledge of nanomedicine to treat cancer. It gives me a new idea for drug treatment of cancer - using nanodrugs to treat cancer more efficiently." After reading extensive literature, Minwei further identified the direction he wanted to explore further. "It can be said that this course helps me set the direction of my postgraduate research, and also provides a knowledge background and foundation for my later research proposal writing."

Minwei hopes to become a real researcher in the future, focusing on his research in the laboratory. "Science is a big topic. The field I have chosen has great prospect and I will face more challenges. I wish I could keep going, keep searching, keep learning. I hope that at some point in the future, my research and achievements can contribute to the development of medicine in China and human health in the world."



All efforts will pay off

By the time of submitting application online, Minwei's research proposal was in its fifth edition.

"It was exhausting in my senior year when applying for Master of Philosophy." Because of the late completion of the first version of his research proposal, it was already April 2021 when Minwei was finally admitted to apply online after he went to the supervisorof UCL on the recommendation of the professor ofUniversity of Cambridge, and the professor reviewed the research proposal and relevant materials and expressed his willingness to continue the discussion with Minwei.

"Writing and revising research proposal requires a lot of literature review, and the research direction I apply for is different from my undergraduate program. It is a time and energy consuming process." During this period, Minwei also maintained high standards for his academic performance. "It's hard to do well in both at the same time. For me, I have to do well in my schoolwork first, and then finish the writing and revision of my research proposal. I tell myself that if I can't overcome this difficulty, how can I realize my dream in the future? Fortunately, I successfully completed the revision of my research proposal, got permission from my tutor to apply online, and achieved good academic results."

Minwei believed he went through that time not only because of his hard work and perseverance, but also the support from his parents, teachers and friends. "My parents are very respectful of my ideas and let me follow my own choices and interests. My teachers at GTIIT always answers mu questions patiently. They also care about my application progress and give me great encouragement.My friends also helped me a lot during that time. The coffee in the vending machine at campus is also helpful." Minwei said jokingly.



Always be willing to help others

In his spare time, Minwei took part in volunteer activities and participated in more than 10 volunteer projects during his undergraduate years. In the sophomore year, he worked as a peer tutor to provide tutorials of Fundamentals of Chemistry and Ordinary Differential Equations for the Cohort 2018. As a teaching assistant of Probability and Statistics in his junior year, he assisted the professor in answering questions about the homeworkfor students.

Minwei summed up his experience in applying for postgraduate universities and shared his experience in writing research proposals and applying for the UKmaster's program in the form of lectures and documents, hoping to help students who are facing the confusion of applying universities make fewer mistakes. "I expect them to make great achievements in the coming application period."

"In terms of academic study, the first thing we can do is to think and ask questions, attend the professor's office hour more often. The professors are willing to give suggestions in the aspects of study, career development, research direction, etc." He told the junior students not to be afraid to ask questions. "The professors won't think your questions are stupid, he'll think you're a thoughtful student rather. While asking questions, you should also keep the habit of thinking independently, which will help a lot in future study."

In Minwei's opinion, one must be diligent and serious in study, especially in research work. He reminds the junior students that they may inevitably encounter various challenges in their university study. When facing difficulties, never give up easily and overcome them step by step. "I havea notebook for almost every course during my undergraduate years. I will summarize the key points in the notebook after class, which is to review the knowledge in class again. When reviewing for final exams, the notebooks will also help you think more clearly and study more efficiently. I also havea notebook to record the questions in time. When there is any mistake, I will sum up the reason and try my best to figure it out."

In terms of future development, Minwei advises students who want to apply for Master of Philosophyprogram to complete their research proposal as early as possible, so that they have more time and opportunities. "The most important thing is to have your own interests or dreams. Knowing what you want to do and study in the future will keep you motivated throughout the application and learning process."



Graduates | 熊逸飞:行稳致远,厚积薄发

Graduates | 黄润生:目光所及,皆是风景

Graduates | 颜莞尔:脚踏实地,静待花开

Graduates | 吴之林:挑战不可能,圆直博之梦

Graduates | 袁春霖:心有所向,风雨兼程

Graduates | 雷厉:因为广以,所以广阔

Graduates | 李依璘:会学会玩的 “元气少女”

Graduates | 陈卓南:广以是挑战自我的历练场

Graduates | 林煜:研究型学习的践行者

Graduates | 杨逸凡:“全能少年”修炼记

Graduates | 黄欣怡:在广以成为更好的自己

Graduates | 岑致诺:逐梦广以,上限无限

Graduates | 唐绍凯:青春无限好,奋发正当时

Graduates | 林慧梓:广以学霸初长成

Graduates | 陈嘉杭:结缘广以,爱我所爱



Text:GTIIT News & Public Affairs

Photos: Liu Minwei, GTIIT News & Public Affairs

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位置:艺考-广东本科院校-广东以色列理工学院-微高校-院校号-广东以色列理工学院-Graduates | 刘珉玮:奋斗不息,步履不止