Event Review | 这是一个让我变得更好的“特立之地”











这也是一个我从我们的教授那里得到灵感和动力的地方。我记得那是在一个炎热的夏日深夜,我正穿过教学楼的走廊前往我的宿舍。突然,我看到Yigal Achmon教授站在空荡荡的教室前,满头大汗地练习他的讲课,对此我深受感动和启发。他正如此努力地为我们备课,那一刻我意识到我应该停止为我的懒惰找借口。从那时起,我开始养成良好的习惯,始终为每一次课堂、演讲甚至于整个本科学习做好充分准备。








GTIIT Commencement for Bachelor Degree Graduates 2021 was held successfully at the Auditorium of GTIIT North Campus on July 11.Cai Hanfeng, a graduate from Biotechnology and Food Engineering Program, delivered a speech as the representative of the Class of 2021. He said GTIIT is a place where he learnedto think independently and critically, and offers him a global perspective. He hoped that all the students could have a bright future and realize their dreams.

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Distinguishedguests, dear faculty, staff, fellow students,parents andfriends,

Good afternoon.

My name is Cai Hanfeng. I am a student fromtheBiotechnology and Food Engineering Program in GTIIT. It is my great honor to be selected as the student representative to give a speech in the commencement ceremony.

First of all, I would like to congratulate all of the students here for finally graduatingtoday! We are the first cohort of students in GTIIT. As a Chinese saying goes:万事开头难, which meansthatthe beginning is the most difficult part. I amsoproud that we managed to overcome all the challenges and difficulities, and we finished our undergraduate studies after four years. Wedidn’tdo it alone of course. All along the way we had the wonderful support of our families and the guidance from our teachers.

I have been asked many times the same question: why didyou choose GTIIT?Inmy first year, I would say because it is close to my home, and I can enjoy homemade disheswithmy family every weekend. But now Iwouldanswer it with confidence: I chose GTIIT becauseitis such aunique placethat made mebetter.

This is a place where we learn to think independently and critically. We were encouraged to ask questions instead of sitting through classes quietly as we did in high school. Our doubts were always answered with patienceand inspiration by our professors. Our opinionsandideas were never judged without athorough investigation.As such, we were gifted with the right mindset to be futurescientists and engineers.

This is also a place where Ifoundinspiration and motivation from our professors. I remember it was late in a hot summer evening. I was walking through the corridor oftheEducation Building heading back to my dorm. Suddenly, I saw Prof. Yigal Achmon, standing in front of an empty classroom, practicing his lecture passionately with sweat dripping from his forehead. I was deeply touched and inspired. He was working so hard to prepare his lecture for us, I realizedthat I should stop finding excusesfor my laziness. From then on, Istarted tobuild up good habitstoalwaysbewell-prepared for lectures, for presentations,and formy entireundergraduate studies.

As a Sino-foreign cooperative university, GTIIT provided us a wonderful campus with strong international atmosphere. We have professors from all over the world including Israel, US, Canada,and many more. I am so grateful to meet such excellent people, to learn from their research, from their cultures and even make friends with them. Thisoffered me a global perspective and enabled me to take a glimpse of the world from here in Shantou.

As President Xi Jinping said, “Technology is the foundation of the country's prosperity, while innovation is the soul of national progress”. Before I came here, innovation was such a vague and abstract concept for me. Now I have a better understanding about what it is, after attending lectures from professors and having hands-on experiences. For example, in the food innovation course,my group andI creatednew functional food usingingredients fromour dailylife.It’sso excitingto practice how to be innovative and really create something new and unique by myself.

Even though I am still here, I already miss the campus, which has grown up with us in the past four years. I would like to thank our facultyand admin staff, who work so hard to guarantee a comfortable campus for study and living. Also, I want to thank my friends, we live together, work together, and play together. We have created so many great memories here.Last but not least, we should thank our parents who took a risk and sent usto such a new university. Because of thatrisk, we becamewho we aretoday.

Every endis a new beginning. I believe all my fellow graduates are ready to face new challenges in their lives.And I am so excited to continue my journey in the Technion.Finally, congratulations once again and I wish all of us good luck with the future ahead.

Thankyou for your attention.




Text:CaiHanfeng,GTIIT News & Public Affairs

Photos: GTIIT News & Public Affairs

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位置:艺考-广东本科院校-广东以色列理工学院-微高校-院校号-广东以色列理工学院-Event Review | 这是一个让我变得更好的“特立之地”