Event Review | 科学是跨越地理距离和文化差异的共同语言



7月11日,广东以色列理工学院隆重举行2021年本科生毕业典礼。以色列理工学院校长Uri Sivan教授在仪式上致辞。他表示,科学跨越了地理距离和文化差异,将人们联系在一起,共同为人类福祉做出贡献。他希望广以毕业生们能肩负使命,成为科学知识的传播者和忠实的代言人。



尊敬的广东以色列理工学院董事会主席姜虹教授、李嘉诚基金会代表罗敏洁博士、广东以色列理工学院的董事们、广东以色列理工学院校长龚新高院士、广东以色列理工学院常务副校长David Gershoni教授、以色列理工学院前任校长Peretz Lavie教授、广东以色列理工学院前任常务副校长Eliezer Shalev教授;





亲爱的毕业生们,今天标志着你们成为了独特而具有声望的以色列理工学院校友会的一员。校友会的成员有:诺贝尔奖得主;滴灌技术的发明者,这项技术通过促进旱地农业改变了数亿人的生活;所有电子通信所需的数据压缩算法的发明者,我们在本次仪式中使用的算法也来自于他的发明;奔腾处理器的架构师,他们在个人电脑中嵌入 WiFi 通信,从此改变了我们的通信方式;U盘的发明者;癌症革命性治疗方法和治疗药物的发现者;第一台手术机器人的开发者。成为以色列理工学院校友会的一员不仅仅是一个头衔,它带给你声望的同时,也意味着你肩负着更多的责任和期望。


今天,我们欢聚在这里,离不开李嘉诚先生、广东以色列理工学院前任校长李剑阁教授、以色列理工学院前任校长Peretz Lavie教授和以色列理工学院校长派驻广东以色列理工学院特使、诺贝尔奖得主Aaron Ciechanover教授的重要贡献。





GTIIT Commencement for Bachelor Degree Graduates 2021 was held successfully at the Auditorium of GTIIT North Campus on July 11.Prof.Prof. Uri Sivan, President of the Technion addressed an online speechon the ceremony. He said that sciencebridges across geographies and cultures to connect all people for the benefit of humanity. He hoped GTIIT graduatescould do their best to promote the development of science and technology.

Please slide up to read the full text

Dear Vice Governor Wang, Peleg Lewi Consul General of Israel to Guangzhou, Academician Zhongxian ZHAO, Director General Jing, Director General GONG, Mayor ZENG, your presence here testifies to the importance attributed by the two governments to the role played by GTIIT as a bridge between the two people. We are grateful for your continued support and promise to continue and do our best to justify it.

Dear Party Secretary Jiang of STU- Chairman of the Board, Frieda LO from the Li-Ka Shing Foundation, Board members, Chancellor GONG, VC Gershoni, Prof. Peretz Lavie – former Technion president and arguably of the Founding Father of GTIIT, Prof. Shalev – former VC and the father of much of what we see here.

Distinguished faculty and staff, guests, colleagues, and most importantly, dear graduates and their families and friends.

The first class of GTIIT graduates is now a fact. What a glorious and historic day! The excitement and joy of the graduates, their teachers, administrative staff, and family members can be felt even here in Haifa, thousands of miles away. While unable to attend the ceremony in person, let me assure you that there is no less excitement at this end of the line.

And there is plenty to be excited about and proud of. A remarkable and far-sighted vision of its founders has been realized as testified in the purest way by today's graduation ceremony.

GTIIT is the first and only endeavor of its kind in the mutual history of China and Israel. Two ancient nations, that share the values of knowledge, scholarship, and innovation for thousands of years, have bridged across geography and language to create the marvel that we celebrate today. Several months ago, Chancellor Gong and I met for the first time, and it was over Zoom. The two of us grew up and studied in two different parts of the world and yet, it took us but a few minutes to recognize that we speak the same language, and that language wasn't Chinese, Hebrew or English – It was the language of science and scholarship. The language that bridges across geographies and cultures to connect all people for the benefit of humanity. It is this language, that you dear graduates, have acquired in GTIIT. So, I call upon you, spread the word and serve as its faithful ambassadors.

Dear graduates, today marks your entrance into a unique and prestigious club: the Technion alumni, a club comprising Noble laureates; the inventor of drip-irrigation, a technology that changed life of hundreds of millions by facilitating agriculture in dry land; the inventors of the data compression algorithm behind all electronic communication including the one we are using in the present ceremony; the architects of the Pentium processor; those who embedded WiFi communication in personal computers and changed forever the way we communicate; the inventor of the memory stick and the developers of drugs, revolutionary treatments of cancer, and the first surgical robots. Being a member of that club is not just a title. It bestows upon you prestige that comes with responsibility and expectations.

Dear families and friends of the graduates. The pride you feel today is more than justified. You were there to support your dear ones in difficult times where the hurdles seemed insurmountable, and you are here to celebrate their achievement. You deserve the pride you feel. It is hard to imagine a better starting point than the one that you have given them.

Today’s celebration will not be a complete one without mentioning the instrumental role of Mr. Li Ka-shing, former GTIIT Chancellor Li Jiange, former Technion President Prof. Peretz Lavie, and the Technion Special Envoy to GTIIT, Nobel Laurette Distinguished Prof. Aaron Ciechanover.

The creation and success of GTIIT is the outcome of the work of many both in Israel and in China. Still, we would not be here today without the profound vision, brilliant leadership, and deep devotion of these individuals to the idea, which is now a living fact. Thank you on behalf of all of us.

I would like to conclude by congratulating our graduates and wishing them all the best success in the path they will choose for themselves in the future. The high rate of students, over 70%, that decided to continue with their education in different parts of the world is remarkably high, testifying to the potential of the first cohort. Always remember us in your hearts and carry this memory with you knowing that we are here for you as you continue to go from strength to strength.

Thank you!


文:Uri Sivan、GTIIT传媒与公共事务部


Text:Uri Sivan,GTIITNews & Public Affairs

Photos: GTIIT News & Public Affairs

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位置:艺考-广东本科院校-广东以色列理工学院-微高校-院校号-广东以色列理工学院-Event Review | 科学是跨越地理距离和文化差异的共同语言