Event Review | 惟其年轻,希望正在这里




















大学毕业是人生重要节点。是充满激情 、理想和开创事业的关键时刻。但不论是工作还是继续深造,未来必将充满机遇和挑战。我自己的体会是,人才是在承担的责任中成长起来的,创新常常在困难的时候产生。看着一个个充满朝气的年轻面孔,我相信同学们一定能够百折不挠并取得成功。正如鲁迅先生说,“惟其年轻,希望正在这里!”。




On July 11, Prof. Zhao Zhongxian, the founder of China's high-temperature superconductivity research, winner of the State Preeminent Science and Technology Award, and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, attended GTIIT Commencement for Bachelor Degree Graduates 2021 and delivered a speech as the officiating guest. He also had a discussion forum with faculty and students of GTIIT, sharing the experiences of his scientific research and encouraging the students to overcome the difficulties, and follow hearts to pursue their scientific research dreams.

"My own experience is that talents grow up in the responsibilities, and innovation often occurs at the most difficult time." Prof. Zhao Zhongxian told the students on the ceremony. The way to future is full of opportunities and challenges. People must have the spirit of perseverance. And these sentences are just the reflection of 50-year research career of Prof. Zhao Zhongxian.


As the only scientist in China's physics community who has won the first prize of the National Natural Science Award twice, Prof. Zhao Zhongxian can be described as a person who "only do one thing for a lifetime". Since graduating from the University of Science and Technology of China in 1964, he has been working at the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and devoted himself to superconductivity research.


With the background of the worldwide "super thermal conductivity" in the 1980s, Prof. Zhao Zhongxian led the team of the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to do the research day and night. He lived in the laboratory for a few months. When the funds were insufficient, he purchased second-hand equipment and made a stove by himself. Under extremely difficult conditions, he and his team developed high-temperature superconductors above 40K, breaking the McMillan limit that "the highest superconducting critical temperature is unlikely to exceed 40K".

Prof. Zhao Zhongxian did not stop here, but continued to study in the field of high-temperature superconductivity. After more than 20 years of research, in 2008, he led a team to discover a series of iron-based superconductors above 50K, and set a world record for the critical transition temperature of iron-based superconductors of 55K, making the Chinese stood at the forefront of superconductivity research in the world. This achievement let him win the 2016 State Preeminent Science and Technology Award which symbolizes the lifelong honor of China's science and technology.

Although he is a top person in physical research, what he emphasized most is that: "I'm just an ordinary person doing research that I like." At GTIIT discussion forum, he encouraged the students to speak freely. His humorous language makes the atmosphere very lively. He combined his own experience to answer questions for GTIIT students. He encouraged the students to make good use of the scientific research conditions of GTIIT practice more and find what they like.



As the only Sino-foreign cooperative university of science and engineering in China, Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology attaches great importance to the improvement of students' scientific research capabilities. It has invested heavily in building a world-class teaching and research laboratory, creating a sophisticated scientific research environment, and providing students with multiple opportunities. From the sophomore year, students can apply to enter the teacher's research group, study and research in the group, and lay a solid foundation for the future scientific research. As the expectation by Prof. Zhao Zhongxian: I hope that the graduates can make progress with GTIIT on the road of scientific research in the future!

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Distinguished leaders, guests, faculty members and dear students,

Good afternoon!

It is my great pleasure to participate in the GTIIT Commencement for Bachelor Degree Graduates 2021. I would like to express my warm congratulations. Congratulations to the students for completing their university studies and starting a new journey. Congratulations to GTIIT for the bumper harvest and the good foundation for continued development.

It is difficult to cultivate the first cohort of graduates. In addition to the hard work of the students, I would like to thank the faculty and the whole GTIIT staff for their hard work and dedication. I would like to thank all sectors of society and parents for their support. I want to thank leaders at all levels for their care and guidance.

Graduating from university is an important node in life. It is a critical moment for being full of passion, ideals and starting a career. But whether it's work or continuing further study, the future will be full of opportunities and challenges. My own experience is that talents grow up in their responsibilities, and innovation often arises in times of difficulty. Looking at the energetic young faces, I believe that the students will be able to persevere and achieve success. As Mr. Lu Xun said, "Hope is among young people!"

At this new beginning, I want to use the words of an old scientist to encourage all of you: "I am a scientific and technological worker who has chosen scientific research as my career. A sense of social responsibility is the foundation of life." I think this social responsibility is , to contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the progress of human civilization!

Finally, I wish the Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology make great success and go further! Thank you!



Text/Photos: GTIIT News & Public Affairs

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位置:艺考-广东本科院校-广东以色列理工学院-微高校-院校号-广东以色列理工学院-Event Review | 惟其年轻,希望正在这里