Graduation Ceremony | 礼成!广东以色列理工学院首届本科生毕业典礼圆满举办





现场出席本次毕业典礼的嘉宾包括:中国科学院院士、2016年度国家最高科学技术奖获得者赵忠贤;以色列驻广州总领事Peleg Lewi;李嘉诚基金会代表罗敏洁;广东以色列理工学院董事会主席姜虹、广东以色列理工学院董事黄晖阳、广东以色列理工学院董事王泉;汕头大学校长郝志峰、汕头大学副校长喻洪、汕头大学副校长、原广东以色列理工学院代理校长刘文华;中国科学院院士、广东以色列理工学院校长龚新高、广东以色列理工学院副校长兼总干事Eran Gal-Or、广东以色列理工学院本科生院院长Dganit Danino教授、广东以色列理工学院数学系主任Eli Ajaleff教授及广东以色列理工学院教职员代表。


以色列理工学院领导和部分教师代表以视频方式参加典礼。以色列理工学院校长Uri Sivan、广东以色列理工学院常务副校长David Gershoni通过线上的方式向毕业生们送上祝福。







广东以色列理工学院本科生院院长Dganit Danino教授介绍,广以首届本科毕业生交出了一张靓丽的“成绩单”——超过10%的毕业生取得了GPA90分以上的成绩,超过70%的学生被世界一流院校录取,12名学生选择继续留在广以攻读硕士学位······Dganit Danino教授回忆道,“同学们初进校园时青涩而害羞,经过四年的锻炼,现在的你们充满自信、有动力、有决心、有奉献精神。相信未来的你们会更加自信勇敢,朝着自己的目标不断奋进!”



以色列理工学院校长Uri Sivan从线上送来祝福。他表示,中以两个古老的国家,几千年来共享知识、学术和创新的价值观,跨越地理和语言创造了我们今天所庆祝的奇迹。“首届毕业生们取得的喜人成绩彰显了广以巨大的发展潜力。亲爱的同学们,今天标志着你们成为以色列理工学院校友会的一员,希望大家能带着这份荣誉和力量,开拓创新、敢为人先。”



























GTIIT Commencement for Bachelor Degree Graduates 2021 was held successfully at the Auditorium of GTIIT North Campus this afternoon. 149 graduates from the Class of 2021 enjoy this glorious moment of their life with their parents, distinguish guests, faculty and staff.


Guests attending the meeting included: Prof. Zhao Zhongxian, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Laureate of the 2016 National Top Science and Technology Award; Mr. Peleg Lewi, Consul General of Israel in Guangzhou; Dr. Frieda Law, representative of the Li Ka-Shing Foundation; Prof. Jiang Hong, Chairperson of GTIIT Board; Mr. Huang Huiyang and Prof. Wang Quan, members of the Board of Directors of GTIIT; Prof. Hao Zhifeng, President of Shantou University; Mr. Yu Hong, Vice President of Shantou University; Prof. Liu Wenhua, Vice President of Shantou University and Former Acting Chancellor of GTIIT; Prof. Gong Xingao, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chancellor of GTIIT; Mr. Eran Gal-Or, Pro-Vice Chancellor and Director General of GTIIT; Prof. Dganit Danino, Dean of Undergraduate Studies of GTIIT; Prof. Eliahu Aljadeff, Head of Mathematics with Computer Science Program and representatives of GTIIT staff.

Relevant leaders also attended the graduation ceremony. Leaders of the Technion and representatives participated in the ceremony online. Prof. Uri Sivan, President of the Technion, and Prof. David Gershoni, Vice Chancellor of GTIIT, sent their best wishes to the graduates online.

The ceremony was presided by Lin Danming, Pro-Vice Chancellor of GTIIT. On this special day, he represented GTIIT to express his great gratitude to those who have made contributions to the construction and development of GTIIT. "We would like to thank the Chinese and Israeli governments, and the governments of Guangdong Province and Shantou City for their strong support. We would like to thank the Li Ka-Shing Foundation for its great contribution. We would like to thank all parties involved in GTIIT, and the great efforts from GTIIT staff, students and parents. The development of GTIIT is inseparable from you!”

The memorable moment for GTIIT and the graduates

Graduates from Materials Science and Engineering Program, Chemical Engineering Program and Biotechnology and Food Engineering Program of GTIIT dressed in bachelor gowns and received their bachelor degree certificates and medals. Prof. Gong Xingao, Chancellor of GTIIT turned tassels for all graduates and took photos with them. For the graduates, today will be an unforgettable day; for GTIIT, it is a day destined to go down in history.




Prof. Dganit Danino, Dean of GTIIT Undergraduate Studies introduced the performances of the graduates. “10% of the 149 students that graduated today have a GPA of over 90. About 70% of the graduates have received offer letters from famous universities, and 12 students joined the GTIIT-Technion master program. You were motivated, determined, and dedicated, and we saw you opening up and flourishing - young and shy when coming to school, and here you are now; open and confident to ask questions and speak up. Confident in the education and knowledge in your hands, confident to move forward to your next destination.”


Science is the same language between China and Israel

Prof. Uri Sivan, President of the Technion addressed an online speech. “China and Israel, the two ancient nations, that share the values of knowledge, scholarship, and innovation for thousands of years, have bridged across geography and language to create the marvel that we celebrate today. Dear graduates, today marks your entrance into a unique and prestigious club, the Technion alumni. Always remember us in your hearts and carry this memory with you knowing that we are here for you as you continue to go from strength to strength.”


GTIIT will always be your home

“Thank you, Momand Dad!” All the graduates stood up and expressed their gratitude for their parents.

Prof. Gong Xingao, Chancellor of GTIIT expressed his congratulations to the Class of 2021 who successfully completed their studies and his best wishes. “You are the first cohort undergraduate students, also the founders, builders, and practitioners of our culture, and the authors of the first chapter of our history. For me, you are the utmost achievement since the establishment of GTIIT! Today, you will leave the university and embark on the new journey as an alumnus. Please dream big and aim high. Take the knowledge you learned and the innovative qualities you built at GTIIT in your future pursuits of science. As the chancellor, I believe that GTIIT alumni will live up to their names and shine like sun, wherever and whenever you are.”


Take the responsibility and be a better man

Prof. Zhao Zhongxian, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Laureate of the 2016 National Top Science and Technology Award, delivered a speech as a special guest. "Graduation from university is a pivotal moment in one's life to fill their passions, aspirations and start a career. But the future will be full of opportunities and challenges, both for work and further study." He encouraged the students to pursue their dreams bravely, and to strive to become pioneering leaders and researchers in science and technology with a sense of social responsibility.


Love you and thank you, my GTIIT

Cai Hanfeng, a graduate from Biotechnology and Food Engineering Program, delivered a speech as the representative of the Class of 2021. “I am so proud to become one of the Class of 2021 students of GTIIT. This is a place where we learn to think independently and critically. We were encouraged to ask questions. Our doubts were always answered with patience and inspiration by our professors. Our opinions and ideas were never judged without a thorough investigation. I am so grateful to meet such excellent people, to learn from their research, from their cultures and even make friends with them. This offered me a global perspective and enabled me to take a glimpse of the world from here in Shantou.”


GTIIT is a jewel in the crown of China-Israel relations

“I am so proud of you!” Mr. Peleg Lewi, Consul General of Israel in Guangzhou expressed his congratulations to GTIIT’s first cohort of graduates in Chinese. “GTIIT is a jewel in the crown of China-Israel relations and represents the close friendship between the two peoples. You, the young generation, are the hope and future of China. The open way of learning skills and innovative mind is the key to the unknown world. I wish all of you to implement your ideas and dreams with the tools you gained in GTIIT, in your professional future and personal life.”


The representative of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs made a video recording to send his best wishes to GTIIT’s first cohort of graduates. "Congratulations to the Class of 2021! GTIIT is the great cooperation between China and Israel in the field of education. Israel will continue to support the development of GTIIT, and I hope the university will gain even more brilliant achievements."


Wish all of you a promising future

The song "The intersection of phoenix flowers" expressed students' farewell feelings to GTIIT and their friends. The performance "Blooming flowers and full moon -- perfect conjugal bliss" expresses the best and sincere wishes from GTIIT to the graduates.



When GTIIT Chorus sang the Israeli song" Evening of Roses” and the Chinese song “The Moon Represents My Heart”, scenes flashed on the big LED screen, presenting the pictures of the first cohort of GTIIT graduates in the past four years. The happiness, the difficulties, the friendship…all of these are unforgettable memories.



Four years have passed and a new life journey is about to begin. Best wishes to GTIIT’s first cohort of graduates!




Text/Photos: GTIIT News & Public Affairs

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位置:艺考-广东本科院校-广东以色列理工学院-微高校-院校号-广东以色列理工学院-Graduation Ceremony | 礼成!广东以色列理工学院首届本科生毕业典礼圆满举办